Car AC System Failure: Top 5 Reasons Why This Happens
Car AC systems are one of the essential auto parts in today’s world. While we can drive without it, it is a necessity in the humid, sticky summer season. Every car has AC systems now, and while they usually do not need much tuning and servicing, they are bound to breakdowns at times. The car AC system has three main components – the AC condenser, AC compressor, and the AC evaporator. If your AC system faces a breakdown or fails to operate, it is usually because of some problem faced by these three main parts.
But what are the primary reasons for the failure of car AC systems? Let us take a closer look.
Top 5 Reason Why Car AC Systems Fail
The AC system is mainly dependent on the AC compressor, which pressurizes the system, helping the refrigerant to keep working so that the entire system works efficiently. It needs regular aintenance to keep working properly. An AC system can fail due to issues like clogged expansion, Freon leak caused by failed O-ring, etc.
Let us take a look at some of the reasons the AC system of your automotive fails to operate –
- Poor Airflow and Loud Noises – The AC system’s poor airflow may be due to clogging up of your refrigerant charging hose or expansion tube, broken AC compressor, damaged condenser, broken blower, and failed switch or fuse. This can be repaired easily if the issue is minor but might need changing if it is beyond repair.
Loud noises can also be heard when you switch on your AC which can be due to a broken or faulty AC compressor. This loud noise occurs if any of the internal parts of the compressor clog up or break down.
- Odor and water inside the cabin- If you find a pungent odor emitting from your AC when you turn it on, there is something wrong with your AC system. This can happen if the Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning filter is worn out or has become dirty. This can be easily cleaned up by your car mechanic or has to be replaced if the damage is severe. You can avoid this by regularly changing the air cabin filters, reducing your fuel consumption.
If you find water leaking inside your automobile cabin instead of outside it, then your Ac system needs to be checked immediately. This can occur due to a clogged drain hose that leaks the condensed water from the evaporator inside the cabin instead of outside it. This can cause a serious shock hazard and should be repaired immediately.
- Burning Smell from AC System- Sometimes, you can get a burning smell when you switch on your Ac. This can occur if the wiring of your car compressor has been overheated or burnt out. This hampers the proper working of the air conditioner and has to be replaced immediately.
- No response to switching on the AC- Suppose you switch on your Ac system instead of giving cool air, your blower starts to give normal air. This can occur when the AC compressor clutch is jammed. The compressor jam helps the pulley to engage and disengage from the engine power whenever necessary. But if this clutch breaks down, the compressor will not receive any power from the engine, while seizing the clutch results in the compressor’s permanent activation.
- AC starts to warm up instead of cooling – This is one of the most common AC system failures in automotive. At first, cool air comes out of the system, after which warm air starts to blow out. This happens when the AC expansion gets clogged, blocking the refrigerant from flowing into the evaporator. It can also occur due to a damaged compressor clutch, so the compressor fails to maintain the correct pressure. Another cause might be a broken or blown leak or fuse of the car AC system.
If your Ac system fails to work and is beyond repair, you can check out reliable AC systems and other auto parts at Boodmo. Here you will find an affordable, good quality AC system for almost every car model.
While they do not need much maintenance, your automobile’s AC system needs a little bit of tuning at times your car’s AC system every once in a while. This will help you find out if any ac part is facing minor issues that may be repaired immediately, saving you from major issues and AC system replacement. It is recommended that you let your car mechanic take a look at the This will ensure that the AC does not breakdown when you need it and will ensure better service of the system for a longer period of time. Now that you understand the primary reasons behind your failing AC, we hope that you won’t be facing any problems in the future.